Uploading To Sendvid Blog

Sendvid is a website where you can upload videos privately, it copies the video into a web link, that means you can put the video into a website or a blog.

To have evidence of videos during interviews and other pieces of work during my ICT Cambridge Technical Unit 1, we use a website called Sendvid. It is a free, video sharing website, that allows us to upload our videos privately and link them into our blogs. Sendvid is different from YouTube because Sendvid is private and only viewed by you, whereas YouTube is public and can be viewed by everyone and liked or disliked and commented on by the viewers.

To set up my account on Sendvid I needed to make a username and password, and also verify via your email, so all my details are kept secure and only I can log into my Sendvid account.

This is a screenshot of what Sendvid looks like when I first open it up.sendvid sc 3



I then  select the three lines at the right side of the screen to bring me to this page. I either have the option to log in or register to Sendvid, as I have previously made an account for Sendvid I would select the log in option and put my username and password in, but if you do not have an account you would select the register option to make one.senvid sc 2


I have logged in by putting in my email address and password and it brought me to this page which you have options to choose from.sendvid sc 1


when I select upload it gives me the option to browse and choose one of my video files to upload. It is shown in the screenshot below.

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when my video has fully processed and uploaded it will show my video and it can be watched now. It will also give me the option of copying a link of my video which can then be included in a presentation, a website, a word document etc.sendvid sc 6

This is the completed process of creating an account, logging into successfully and uploading a video on the account.

Justification- I used sendvid to upload my video privately. This is because it offers a lot more privacy and security, as opposed to using YouTube, where everyone can see what I have uploaded and people can also leave comments and like or dislike videos on YouTube. This is important for my videos as I only want certain people to see them, for example my teacher or examiner. Also because we are interviewing a staff member, they may also not want the video to be public for people view. Sendvid works as evidence for my tasks as well which is important for the examiner to see.



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